The Chakra Balancing Kit is designed to charge the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs) of the chakras, thereby aiding the development and integration of wholeness. The physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies must ultimately all work together. It is important to understand that the Tachyonized Chakra Balancing Kit addresses all of these energies. As you use this tool, many different levels of awareness are experienced as you become more balanced.
The Chakra Balancing Kit comes with seven Tachyonized Energy
Cells, color-coordinated with the seven chakras, a small pouch to
hold the Energy Cells and a stand-up instruction card that holds the
crown chakra Energy Cell correctly facing the top of your head while
you are lying down.
What is a Chakra? There are seven major energy centers in the body
known as chakras. These centers are whirling vortices of energy that
resemble wheels. In fact, the chakras act as conduits for Universal
Life-Force Energy and are thought to be primary factors in physical,
mental, emotional, and spiritual health.
Chakra: Very Real
Each of the seven chakras is associated with different emotional, mental, physical and spiritual issues in the development of human consciousness. In addition to the seven main chakras usually addressed, there are chakra energy centers in the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. This kit addresses the seven main chakras that are the major energy conduits.
See Also: The Seven Chakra and Their Corrisponding Glands