Wagner and Cousens demonstrate a tachyon theory that unveils the delicate weave of Spirit, kundalini, health, physics, and biology as a subtle dance out of traditional healing. Case studies, show the breakthrough in holistic healing technology called Tachyon energy.
Benefits include a more rapid healing and at least a partial reversal of the aging process. Tachyonization has successfully merged concepts of science and spirituality, as they bridge the faster than light world of existence with our slower than light world of form. The reader of this book will understand profoundly how tachyon energy is the source of all frequencies as well as the source of all healing.
When a massive flow of Tachyons in this Tachyonized ULTRA Micro-Disk begin to collide, a new field of energy is created. This new field is called the NEO Field and its potential is indescribable. It affects both, the physical and non-physical Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs).
When a system in a state of disorder is subjected to a focused form of Tachyon the system will move back to a state of balance. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. refers to this effect as the "youthing" process. This phenomenon is also known as the difference between positive and negative entropy. Positive entropy is defined as chaos, disorder, or disease. Negative entropy is balance or order. In the aging process, positive entropy steadily increases. Once the body reaches a particular threshold of positive entropy, it can no longer function and death results. On the other hand, youthing occurs as a result of increased negative entropy. It has been shown that Tachyonized Micro-Disks increase negative entropy, thus promoting balance and harmony in the body. Youthing is a possibility made available by using Tachyonized materials.
Our Physical Body
The physical body is the last link in the energetic continuum of a human being. The body's metabolism makes extremely complex and highly sensitive. Every disruption of metabolic processes can result in malfunctions, which can then manifest dis-ease symptoms. Tachyonized materials, by creating order in the SEOFs, positively affect the metabolic process of the body. This phenomenon explains many questions that cannot be answered by a strictly biochemical examination of cellular metabolism. It serves to clarify for example, how this incredibly complex mechanism can function with such precision.
The time has now come in which the practical use of Tachyonized materials for our spiritual development and perfect health in our entire body-mind complex is possible. Tachyonized materials enhance and accelerate our potential to become superconductors of the cosmic energy. The more powerfully cosmic energy moves through us, the more we are transformed into cosmic beings. The more we are unified on every level with the cosmic force, the more we are attuned to the divine in every moment. Tachyonized materials are not a replacement for a natural, spiritual lifestyle in harmony with all the natural laws of the plant. It is, however, the key to integrating and enhancing the balance coherency needed on our path to perfect harmony with ourselves and all Creation. It is surely no coincidence that the utilization of tachyonized materials is becoming possible at the end of the twentieth century.
From the book: Tachyon Energy by: David Wagner and Gabriel Cousins, M.D. Page 55
See Also: Tachyons Form of Formless